Baby McElroy
I am quite amused at Teagan's attempts to discipline herself. The caregiver at daycare told me that when they sit down to play with play-doh she'll say to herself "no eat playdoh, no eating playdoh" like she's psyching herself up. Eventually some ends up in her mouth, she just can't help it, it looks yummy! But she tries. The other day while nursing she popped off all of a sudden to look up at me, quite serious, and say "no wiggling!" and then went back to nursing. (I tell her no wiggling while nursing quite often, she's big and hard to keep on my lap when still!) And this morning she was being silly, doing that weird squeal/shreik/bark noise toddlers like to do (SO ANNOYING) when I asked her questions. I looked stern and she said "No screaming, teagan" and stopped. heh.
She's mastered the phrase "something else" when she wants something different to eat. Sure beats her tossing her food to the floor, but we ran into a problem last night. She ate about half her soup then handed me the bowl and said "something else". So I took the bowl and said "ok, Teagan, what would you like?" and she says "something else". Over and over: "yes, but WHAT else? What would you like to eat?" "something else" she made her eyes big and stressed the word ELSE like we simply didn't understand her, but she wouldn't suggest what she wanted, funny girl.
Teagan's sense of humour is great. She finds so many things funny, and does things to be funny, sometimes even labelling herself as such. "Ha-ha, Funny!" she says. She's picking up some things from TV. All of a sudden she's started saying "Boooob Builder - Yes he can!" and "Cannee fixit? YES HE CAN!" Sometimes when she's playing with her toys "tools" and sometimes just for fun. I think it's funny and cute, Magnus worries that it's a bad thing she's copying TV. She watches some TV each day, usually while I prepare dinner, occasionally in the morning while she eats her breakfast. Mostly she plays in front of the tv, not slack jawed staring at the screen. I'm no too worried, she mimics plenty of stuff NOT on tv, too.
She likes to sing songs, and she's got several phrases from a bunch of songs now. (baa baa blacksheep, the Alphabet song, Itsy Bitsy Spider, twinkle-twinkle little star[with actions], and "bye-bye daddy"/"good-night teagan"[silly made up songs we sing]) She's been counting her fingers and toes, or counting when she covers her eyes (hide and seek).
She managed to catch me saying "damnit" and knows full well how it's used. She throws it out now and then, and we try hard to act like she didn't say anything, take the fun out of it. I was punching down the bread dough the other day, looking serious and walloping it good and she came into the kitchen, watched me and said "Damnit! Damnit!" Took everything I had not to burst out laughing! Sometimes she says "nuts" as a frustration phrase, that one I don't mind.