Baby McElroy
Back from the doctor, and it seems baby girl might not be head down! My doctor thinks she's either Breech or Transverse (side to side) and I have an ultrasound next week to confirm it. I'm kind of upset, all along I thought she'd flipped and everything looked good for a vaginal birth, which is what I wanted. For a first baby they are really reluctant to allow you to try and deliver a breech baby vaginally. I may consider trying manual version or whatever it is where they push on your belly to flip it around, but there are some risks......
On the plus side blood pressure is still 130/82, same as last week, and Group B Strep came back negative. And another ultrasound means another peek at baby girl!
I'm starting to get really uncomfortable. Everything is so much harder with all this weight to lug around, a little shopping wears me right out! We did some shopping Saturday and Sunday, and sunday evening I started feeling "off". Today I felt downright awful, almost flu-like, I wonder if I just overdid it? Had more nausea not unlike morning sickness, I hope THAT isn't coming back!
Finally finished up my christmas knitting gifts, photos over in my Craft Blog. I am so glad they're done, I was getting stressed about finishing them in time!
My appointment yesterday went fine, weight is up a lot but dr didn't seem to care. I'm measuring 37 weeks, baby is still head down. Next week we have the big appointment where hubby comes and we discuss our birth plan and stuff.
I'm getting really uncomfortable and moody. Everything is just so much harder and I'm really tired. Not getting a full night's sleep ever isn't helping things. I think the fact it's christmas time is also hard, extra stress.
I'm bagged. This baby growing business is tough! Everything and anything wears me out, and I'm a weepy mess for no reason. But then, I start thinking about my baby, or watching her roll around and make my belly move, and I'm filled with such sheer joy it's indescribable. I'm scared about becoming a mom, it's such a huge responsibility and something I can't even imagine until she's here, but I'm also more excited than I've been about anything else in my whole life.
Oh and at the OB last week she's almost positive baby girl got the right idea and moved head down. HOORAY! I'm thrilled to bits about that, I am ok with the idea I may need a C-section but having a planned one was upsetting to me. I'm really hoping for an uncomplicated vaginal birth, as I think most moms do. Weight gain is more in check now, about a pound and a half a week. Everything else looks good, next appointment is on Monday.
My Rubber Stamping club threw me a surprise baby shower last night! Wouldn't you know it was the first time EVER I decided to be early, they were not pleased. We had lots of great food, some games, and of course tons of neat gifties for baby. I got some neat pink things, which is nice as all my hand-me-downs I've gotten are from boy babies. I got a really noisy light up baby toy, cute clothes, misc supplies, diaper bag, fleece crib blanket, crib comforter, portable change pad, and a cute book with a puppet that giggles - some great stuff! It was really neat to be spoiled like that!
I have an Ob appt this afternoon. I'm hoping for good news about baby girl's position.
I just got back from the gym, another 20 minutes on the exercise bike. I'm happy to have done it but I'm feeling tired now. I was tired before doing it so I'm not surprised. It's hard remembering to not overdo it. Whenever I do anything physical it's my nature to go 110%. Most of my exercise is in the form of a field hockey or lacrosse game, so you can see why that happens, I want to play my best possible game all the time. I have to remember that biking faster or harder isn't a good thing now, pushing my body isn't going to help. If I keep it nice and easy it will do me as much good and not wear me out or cause injury!
Back pain is not fun. Sitting at a computer is hell on my back as my belly gets bigger. After a few hours of sitting I'm in a lot of pain, I'm going to try to get up and walk around more today. I did book the rest of my vacation time, so I have really short workweeks now. I also counted up and I only have 12 days of working left total! That's crazy, I can't beleive I'm so close to the end of working for a long while! It's a bit scarey, I've been working or in school for as long as I can remember, so it will be weird doing something else.