Baby McElroy
I have the BEST husband ever :) I have been feeling horrid all day today, really nauseous. He starts the day by hopping up to make me breakfast - anything I want - even though he has the day off from classes. I have been working away, feeling ill, and then I had my lunch which was some samosas from costco, and they were like magic! The nausea is 80% better after eating them, nothing else I ate so far helped even a little! So I called hubby up for a chat and to tell him this and the first thing he says is "so should I leave mine for you?" and I could tell he was smiling. What a sweet man to let me have his "treat lunch" because it makes me feel better :) I don't know why the samosas helped, maybe the potatos, or the spices, but they did!
I'm hoping to play lacrosse tomorrow night. It's the finals for my league and I've been feeling so bad not being able to help my team out these last couple weeks. Not to brag, but I am a fairly strong player and my absence has certainly hurt the team. Finals are tomorrow so it will be my last chance to play for a long time (I won't be up to the tournament in August for sure) so I'd really like to play. They are going to be short 15min halves, and if we can pick up a spare player to sub in for us sometimes I should be fine. We started the season so strong I'd really like us to end strong, and I miss lacrosse so much!!
Feeling icky again today. I really think the heat has something to do with it, it hit near 30 degrees today. (we're in canada, so that's the mid to high 80's for you in the US) which is pretty hot to me! I'm having trouble finding foods that sound good, and when I'm trying to eat every hour or two to stave off the nausea (the only trick I've found to work so far) I get bored with the same darn things. Fruit is ok, so I have that sometimes, but I don't want things like cereal, crackers, cookies, granola bars, etc. I want things with cheese, or spicey foods, "substantial things". I don't eat meat so that cuts out a few things too. I should have bought some of those veggie deli slices at the grocery store today but they just weren't on sale.
I can't beleive I'm past 9 weeks already! It seemed at the start like this was all going so slowly, but it's picking up pace. I'll be into the second trimester (and then hopefully free of the nausea) soon!
Not too bad on the nausea today. I have been eating nonstop though. Another woman told me she eats every 45min to an hour and has LOST weight, so I'm trying not to worry too much. I actually told my husband last night that if eating constantly kept me from feeling sick, I would rather deal with an extra 5lbs later than feel ill! I am feeling pretty mopey today though. I have a bit of a lonely job. I work in my own office and everything I do is online/ over email so I don't really get any human contact at all. It can be lame enough if you are in a good mood, but I think this pregnancy is messing with my moods a bit too.
I haven't had any spotting in a few days (YAY!) so I called my dr's office hoping I'd be cleared for sex and exercise. Unfortunately they want me to wait at least another week! I really wanted to play lacrosse tonight. My team needs me and I miss playing! I think I'm going to try and bake cookies to take to tonight's's the last season game before the finals, and I'm the coach. I think it would be a nice thing to do.
I'm still fighting the nausea, though it does seem to be a little better. I does seem to be quite tied in with eating, if I keep eating constantly (and I mean constantly) I do better. I've been trying to split my meals up and eat every hour or so and that helps. Today though I started feeling a hint of nausea when it was time for lunch (and over an hour since I last ate) and ignored it to finish up with something for about 15minutes and I'm STILL feeling off since that. ((sigh)) I'm going to be HUGE if I have to eat every hour! I'm going to grab some more veggies at the store on the way home I think, to give me something low cal to snack on.
I'm also feeling really mopey and sad. I'm doing my best to hold it together at work (where I'm still keeping it a secret) and with family and friends, but that means my poor husband gets the brunt of it when I let loose at home. He's been so great, so supportive and loving to me. I was crying my eyes out yesterday, upset and being able to do so little (no exercise, no motivation to do anything around the house, too nauseous to be in the kitchen much) and he was adament that the job I'm doing now is SO much more important that I shouldn't feel bad. Creating a child is the most important thing in the world he said, and the fact I was managing so well with how I was feeling amazed him. Do I have a great hubby or what?!?
I'm feeling really crummy. Tired and nauseous, all day long. Still no puking, so I feel like a big whiney wimp next to those folks tossing their cookies 5 times a day. But then, feeling like you are going to puke every waking moment is not fun times! Sometimes eating helps, sometimes it doesn't. I'm wearing the seabands all the time but I can't tell if they are still helping, I just don't dare take them off in case they are. One thing that seems to help.........tootsie pops. Especially cherry and orange. So I may look into buying more lollipops and sucking one all the time.
Spotting has tapered off, which is good. It was really scant to start with , but it is worrisome anyways. Hopefully with everything looking good on the ultrasound the Dr will give me the go ahead for physical activity again. There are only a couple weeks of the lacrosse league left!
I'm feeling really crummy. Tired and nauseous, all day long. Still no puking, so I feel like a big whiney wimp next to those folks tossing their cookies 5 times a day. But then, feeling like you are going to puke every waking moment is not fun times! Sometimes eating helps, sometimes it doesn't. I'm wearing the seabands all the time but I can't tell if they are still helping, I just don't dare take them off in case they are. One thing that seems to help.........tootsie pops. Especially cherry and orange. So I may look into buying more lollipops and sucking one all the time.
Spotting has tapered off, which is good. It was really scant to start with , but it is worrisome anyways. Hopefully with everything looking good on the ultrasound the Dr will give me the go ahead for physical activity again. There are only a couple weeks of the lacrosse league left!
I got to see the heartbeat!!! I couldn't beleive it, I was trying not to psych myself up in case it was bad news, but the little heart was fluttering away! The technician was so non chalant, just offhandedly said "and you can see the heart there......" but WOW I was impressed. It actually looked vaguely humanoid too! Well more like a head and a sort of bodylike shape, but that's good enough for me. She also said it was right on size wise for 7weeks 5 days. I've been close to tears (in a good way) ever since I saw that. Once I get home and see hubby I'm sure I will let loose, but I'm still at work so I have to be calm.
It's all so much more *real* now.....
More spotting late yesterday and then today some that looked red, so I called the Dr. She was very reassuring, said it didn't sound like a misscarriage, but that she'd like me to get an ultrasound done to make sure everything is ok. That makes me feel better, that she is not worried, and that they're checking things out. Plus I'm excited at the ultrasound, I'm far enough along now that I will see the heartbeat, assuming everything is okay. So now I'm just waiting to hear from the office when the ultrasound will be. I'm not looking forward to drinking all the water and holding it in! Last time I had to do that for an ultrasound, my kidneys were too efficient or something so I was TOO FULL! They sent me to empty "part way", not once but TWICE! I imagine that would be harder with the speedy pregnancy bladder I have now!
I forgot to mention father's day :) I got my husband a silly book called "So you're going to be a dad" and made him a card. He was so surprised and pleased he had tears in his eyes when he saw the gift! He's been so great, so very supportive of me in all my whining and moaning, and I really want him to feel special and loved, and important in this whole process.
I borrowed some sea-bands from my mother-in-law last night and they do seem to be helping. I don't feel 100% better, but they have definitely taken the edge off. As a result I've been starving this morning! It's like my body is trying to get me to eat all I can while I don't feel as sick. I ate the whole lunch I packed for today by 10am!
I had spotting all day yesterday, which had me kind of worried. It's stopped this morning though, so I'm feeling less anxious again.
I am REALLY feeling the morning sickness now. I'm finding it hard to deal with feeling this awful. I'm not actually throwing up, just feeling like I'm going to all the time. It's really hard to find foods that I can stand the thought of. Limeade has been one thing I can stand all the time, and it seems to help a little, so I start my day with some. (Hubby dutifully hopped up this morning to get me a cup of it) Veggie Sushi also seems good to me all the time, and I'm actually eating the pickled ginger that I usually hate. This morning all I could stand to eat was some lettuce (with salt and pepper on it!!) and later some melba toast and pineapple. It's kinda freaky what foods sound good! And hubby's oatmeal this morning turned my stomach - how weird is that?!?
I'm very tired too. I was travelling for work this week and didn't sleep well, and didn't manage to catch up much last night.
Well I had my OB appointment on Friday. I like the woman, though she seemed a bit rushed. I did have a late appointment, and the first visit is just a great big survey with this practice. I should meet the other woman next appointment in a month. (they share the practice) I ran into someone from highschool when I went to the lab for my MANY many tests they like to do. (iron, thyroid, HIV, etc, etc) She was just starting her 1 hour wait for the diabetes test or something, so we sat and chatted. It was great to chat with someone my age about pregnancy. We exchanged emails and plan to keep in touch.
What I thought had been morning sickness in the first couple weeks, was NOTHING! It kicked into gear on friday, and NOW I know what morning sickness feels like. YUK! I had real trouble finding foods I could stand the thought of. Cheese has been a big part of my diet lately, I've been craving it all day every day! I don't know if it's the protein or what, but it's all I want to eat! I've been generally eating whatever sounds good to me at the time, and that helps the morning sickness a bit. I'm not too worried about my nutrition. I'm still taking my prenatals, getting in some fruit and stuff, and I figure eating stuff that's a bit junky or not too varied is better than not eating at all!
6 weeks today! Some people don't even find out they are pregnant until they are this far along, but I feel like I have known for a while now. (It's been a week and a half since I found out)
I read that wearing a sports bra to bed, and all the time in fact, helps with the soreness. Wow - does it ever! I wore one last night and was so much more comfortable. I'd wear one all the time, if they didn't flatten out your chest so much!
I need my chest to look big to hide my tummy. I don't think it's really growing yet, but it will. I'm also not a thin woman, and had a bit of a pouch before getting pregnant. I'm starting to worry that I'm not going to have one of those pretty pregnant bellies, but be one of those women that just looks really fat when she's pregnant......
Actually ran to the bathrooms today in a fit of nausea, but nothing happened. I'm happy I didn't puke, but it's frustrating feeling like this all the time, for sure.
My husband did something cute this morning. Typically it's women that start planning the kid's college education from the date of conception, not the guys. Well this morning hubby comes in and says. "You know, I took swimming lessons at the same time as my brother, even though I was a couple levels ahead of him. So it would be okay to start kids in swimming right away and have them at different levels...." Just out of the blue he came out with that. We've talked about swimming lessons as a must for our kids in the past, but out of the blue he was thinking about our kids' future already. I thought that was pretty darn cool!
I have been looking around for other baby blogs on the net, but not having much luck. I've found a couple that are really late in pregnancy, but that's all. I'd really like to find a few blogs by gals who are in the first trimester, to watch along as they progress in their pregnancies, and see what they're going through...........
More morning sickness. joy. I'm noty full out puking or anything, just feeling really........bleck. Sometimes food helps, sometimes it doesn't. Tried gingerale yesterday, but it was Canada Dry, which doesn't have a lot of real ginger in it. I may head to the health food store today to see what I can find there. I've been making tea from sliced ginger and a touch of sugar and it's nice sometimes.
I still haven't told a lot of people, so I feel a little lonely about it all. Thank goodness my husband is being so wonderfully. He's fawning all over me and thinks this whol pregnancy is pretty darn cool.